I’ve realised while I’ve been writing about MadCowInternet that the word “Firmstep” crops up quite a lot. Some people visiting our website might not be familiar with Firmstep, so it’s worth explaining why another company’s name crops up so often.

Firmstep is a company that I worked at for eight years. They produce the best web-based form building software available, and if you are in the public sector their Customer Experience Platform is probably the best platform available to you for managing customer contact. The cloud-based solution that they provide is simply the best option for transforming public services in the UK.

Because I have a wealth of experience working with the Firmstep platform, and have maintained a good relationship with the company, I still do the a lot of my work either for Firmstep or for their customers. The knowledge and experience I gained at Firmstep is simply the most valuable asset that MadCowInternet has available.

But we also provide IT consultancy services outside the Firmstep ecosystem. We’re happy to help you re-design your services so that you can implement them using the software of your choice. And our experience of integrating third-party systems with Firmstep could be applied to any environment.

So why do I talk about Firmstep? Because they produce the best software for the type of projects that I usually work on.